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Getting the exhibition bug!

On February 28th 2023 our MD and lead trainer, Audrey Bodman exhibited at The Apprenticeship Conference at Millennium Point, Birmingham for the first time. It was an opportunity for all employers, apprenticeship providers and end point assessors to get together to share best practice and gain knowledge to help them support apprenticeships. Our goal was to meet some of our [...]

March 15, 2023|Uncategorized|

Monday’s Top Tip – Influencers and Decision Makers

Hi there! I hope you had an amazing weekend and are ready for another great week ahead. This week, let’s talk about the difference between influencers and decision makers. When it comes to building relationships and converting job or training opportunities, it's crucial to know who plays what role in an organisation. Because if some of your job or training [...]

February 26, 2023|Uncategorized|

Why cold calling skills are essential

Here’s a rather important statistic for you… did you know that up to 60% of available jobs are never advertised? That’s right, over half the employment opportunities out there are hidden from public sight. With the rise in social media, on and offline networking and employee recommendation and reward schemes, businesses are saving on advertising budgets and using less conventional [...]

November 24, 2022|Employer Engagement|
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